Category: Current Issues

  • How would have Sant Kabir responded to the COVID 19 crisis?

    How would have Sant Kabir responded to the COVID 19 crisis?

    How has been the year 2020? I know, everyone would respond differently to this seemingly simple question. The major length and breadth of 2020 has been occupied by the most unexpected phenomenon : COVID 19. As I go out every morning or evening for the routine walk, I can see a shop or two closing…

  • COVID-19 and the past and future of the Humanity

    COVID-19 and the past and future of the Humanity

    A lot has been said and a lot is being said about COVID-19. Experts and stakeholders from different fields- science, medicine, environment, economics, education etc. have been talking about the virus and how it’s going to impact our lives in near and far future. Most of these articles are scientific and data driven in nature…

  • What Making My Tea Taught Me About Solving The Problems That Our Society Faces

    Suddenly, the importance that tea has in my life has gone up. While working full time, I used to have a cup or two of tea during the day, more as a formality and as an excuse to spend some time away from the laptop screen. Now, as I practice classical music more seriously, tea…

  • Why finding fault in others means wasting your time!

    Why finding fault in others means wasting your time!

    On social media and everywhere around, people finding faults in others have bloomed like anything. Thanks to social media, we not only read various (many times false and fabricated) news/updates but we now also have power to share them with our circles and even comment on them. This power to share and comment on stuff…

  • The Future of RIckshawallas in the Age of Ola and Uber

    The Future of RIckshawallas in the Age of Ola and Uber

    Taxi and Auto drivers in Mumbai planned a strike starting from 29th August to protest against on-demand hailing services like Uber and Ola. Through my occasional discussions with cab drivers and very rarely with Rickshaw drivers, I always feel the hostility they keep in their minds against the drivers who joined with these Apps. To…

  • What Separates Amazon from Flipkart?

    What Separates Amazon from Flipkart?

    Well, there are two happenings, every tech enthusiast should be aware of. First is the fact that Amazon has reached annual sales of $ 100 billion and it has done so in the minimum amount of time. Which means, no other company could touch the revenue of $ 100 billion in a period as short…

  • The Fight Over The Temples

    This is 21st century, best to my knowledge. A tons of issues are already there surrounding us, right from climate change to poverty to increasing violence. For past few days, one particular issue has bypassed all these ‘mundane’ issues and is on the top of the priority list. ‘Should women be allowed to enter that…

  • Are You Sensitive, In-sensitive or Partially Sensitive? Answering This Question Might Solve All the Problems That the Human Society Faces!

    What it means to be ‘Partially Sensitive?’ As we are human beings, we are all supposed to be sensitive. May be to different extents, but without any doubt, we are all sensitive. There is a gross mistake in the way we look at sensitivity. Conventionally, a person is either considered to be sensitive or insensitive.…

  • What is the problem with Internet.Org? | My Thoughts

    A few days ago, I was in Bangalore, a city in southern India and capital of the state of Karnataka. I happened to read a print newspaper there in Bangalore after many days. The hectic life in Pune does not allow me to have this luxury. What grabbed my attention was the huge ads put…

  • Are We Tolerant, Intolerant or Fools?

    Suddenly, everyone is commenting about how tolerant or intolerant India as a nation is. Social networks, media houses, individuals and groups of individuals; everyone wants to be listened. I don’t know, how tolerant or intolerant we Indians are, I can certainly say, we are all fools. It is quite easy to provoke us, make us…