Category: Key to healthy relationships
Your Screwed Relationships and WhatsApp
One of the most important benefits of internet is the fact that it has helped us to stay connected with the close ones. Some years ago, text messages were much in demand and I remember many of our friends frequently changing their mobile service providers as cheaper and cheaper message packs were launched. I guess…
Freedom : Key to healthy relationships (2)
The first article in this series, key to healthy relationships talks about trust. It is very difficult to trust someone and at the same time to do justice to trust kept on oneself by somebody else. Trusting someone is really difficult but giving someone freedom is even more difficult. The irony is, everyone wants his…
Find your focus
A long night of thoughtfulness gives me many answers. I love night because it answers my questions. Not all, but even a few questions being answered is enough for me. I don’t want all of the rains, a few soothing drops satisfy me. For whom I live this life? This was the long question which…
Key to healthy relationships-Trust the trust
These days, deteriorated relations trouble me a lot. It does not mean that all of my relationships are on the verge of deterioration. But, what I see around, pains me. What I see around, is a completely darkened world of relationships. There are people who find happiness in their relationships. But, for the most of…