This earth has been a home to different kinds of people. Each of them has something special, something rare. I always read the column of Khushwant Singh which gets regularly published in Deccan Herald. Khushwant Singh is one of the authors I like to read. I am not saying that he writes good or bad or is it worth reading or not. I am just saying that I like to read his books. The reason may be his honesty, and ability to view himself as a third person. Today, I got to read this column –
Here, this author, Khushwant Singh agrees at the age of 98 that he had always been a lecher. He openly accpets the fact that he could never see women as mothers or sisters or like these holy things. He calls himself a lecher from the very age of four.
To be very honest, everyone is a lecher. To consider all the women as your sisters is a bogus concept, very hollow at its roots. All of us have been lechers and will be unless we try to work on it. The thing which I appreciate is , Khushwant Singh is capable at the age of 98 that all of his life he had been a lecher. Perhaps it is this honesty which makes his books an appealing read.
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