Tag: spirituality
Key to Happiness : A Few Insights from Ashtavakra Mahageeta
Ashtavakra Muni can be said to be one of the most rational sages we ever had in India. We often think that spirituality is very thinly related to rationality. The root of this misconception lies in the fact that we, our relationships and our society primarily works through a false structure. The structure itself is…
How Can Indians Become Tolerant? By Understanding Kabir!
हिन्दू कहें मोहि राम पियारा, तुर्क कहें रहमाना, आपस में दोउ लड़ी-लड़ी मुए, मरम न कोउ जाना। (Hindus say we worship Rama and Muslims say Rahman. They both die, fighting with each other without even getting a glimpse of him.) Look at Facebook walls, flooded with posts about intolerance, religious hatred and you will realize…
Are We Tolerant, Intolerant or Fools?
Suddenly, everyone is commenting about how tolerant or intolerant India as a nation is. Social networks, media houses, individuals and groups of individuals; everyone wants to be listened. I don’t know, how tolerant or intolerant we Indians are, I can certainly say, we are all fools. It is quite easy to provoke us, make us…
What Will Change Your Life: Access or Desire to Get Changed?
Does access assure that there will be an impact? I was thinking on this question for quite some time. Many times we feel that we do not have access to many valuable resources. The other part of the story is, what are we doing with the resources to which we already have an access? Take…
Kabir Doha on Relationship: Kabir Khada Bazaar Mein
कबीर खडा बझार में, मांगे सबकी खैर ना काहु से दोस्ती, ना काहु से बैर Kabir says: “I stand in a market place and I desire the welfare of all. I am neither looking for any friendship, nor am I an enemy to any one.” I am sure this is the right time to share this…
Kabir on truth – Doha #8 [Truth and Falsity]
सांच बराबर तप नही, झूठ बराबर पाप ।जाके हिरदय म साच है, ताके हिरदय हिर आप [There is no meditation is effective as truth and no sin as grave as falsity. Lord is present in the heart of one, whose heart is filled with truth.]Once again, Kabir left me speechless. I have a collection hundreds…
The magic of relaxed control
Generally, people look at life in two different ways. They either assume that everything which happens around is for the sake of good, inevitable and cannot be changed or they assume that everything around us can be and needs to be changed. On the occasions of different talks, given to different audiences, I always receive…
Osho: Ahead of all the crackpots
Thanks to Mr. Rajinder Puri, I came to know one of the most interesting quotes I have ever read. The first person whose face flashed in front of my eyes when I read this quote for the first time was Osho. He is beyond that quote. The quote reads like this- ‘People who can see…
Dohe of Kabir # 6
Saint Kabir makes us stop still with the helps of his two liners, called Doha. This beautiful Doha of Kabir is worth a thousand lines- माँगन मरण समान है, मत माँगो कोई भीख । माँगन से तो मरना भला, यह सतगुरु की सीख English Translation- (Do not ask for anything. To ask for anything is…
J. Krishnamurti : the most perfect
There is a beautiful story about Buddha. It is said that when Buddha attained enlightenment, he reached the gate of heaven. When guards at heaven opened the doors to welcome Buddha, it was found that Buddha was standing there with his back pointing to the entrance of heaven looking at the earth. The door keepers…