Many times, we grapple with our work so intensely that we forget what’s it that actually allows us to work at optimum levels. Corporates, government offices, educational institutes and not for profits, all are quite concerned about increasing the efficiency and productivity of their teams. Doing so without paying much attention to the fact that wellness of the employees is the single factor which drastically affects their productivity is of no help.
Through Baithak Foundation, we consistently conduct de-stressing and mindfulness sessions for corporates, which include manufacturing and software companies, educational institutes and not for profits. Titled as Naad Yoga, these sessions are aimed at introducing the healing and de-stressing power of Indian Music to the participants.
As we conduct more and more sessions, we realise that if companies do not give due attention to the healths of their employees now, the situation might just go out of hands.
For those who think I am exaggerating the things, here are some observations: In most of the companies, after sitting down for 7 -8 minutes, the participants become uneasy; a clear indication of poor upper and lower body strength and weak respiratory system and blood circulation. Almost all the participants are constantly shallow breathing. Many of the individuals are just unable to sing in their natural voices and indicator of constant fear of being judged. The attention spans are coming down too fast. In any weather or season, a third of the lot is suffering from cold and cough. Most of the participants look pale or sleep deprived or under immense stress.
As the age old wisdom goes, a healthy mind is cultivated in a healthy body. Lately, we have been taught to look at our body as a magic-machine; capable of running at optimum levels in spite of being abused consistently. On the contrary, our body is like an asset, which like any other asset, needs proper maintenance, care and rest. Same is the case with our mind which is constantly abused by unwarranted stimuli. Yet, we hardly do any activity (or remain without any action) so that the mind is rejuvenated. Imagine, you are expecting your axe to cut more without sharpening it. Eventually, you will need more force and rigour to cut same amount of wood with the blunt axe. The higher force will further damage the axe and also your body. Also, the quality of wood that is chopped will go down. The most simple solution to the problem is, dedicate some time to sharpen the axe. This sounds so logical then why we do not we apply this wisdom to our body and mind? Why we just keep stretching them? Why cannot we ensure that we spend some time, even ten minutes a day, for wellbeing of our mind and body?
Music practice can directly impact the wellness and hence the productivities of the individuals in multiple ways.
First of all, music practice can significantly improve the breathing of the practitioner, positively impacting the overall wellness, mindfulness and energy levels. Music automatically makes us take deep breaths and prolong our exhales. This tends to push participants in the parasympathetic mode of nervous system.
A large number of studies point out that singing calls for coordination between a large number of centres in our brain. Practising music regularly can have measurable impact on memory function, creativity, attention spans and many other pointers which not only improve the wellness of the practitioner but helps him or her to do in a better way whatever they do.
Music practice is a superb way of enhancing one’s emotional quotient. Singing and learning music can help enhance the understanding of situations, scenarios and people and their mindsets. Music is also a great medium of expression. It makes one sensitive of his or her own emotions, thereby enabling to better understand emotions of others.
Listing even proven benefits of music practice will make this article very long. The point is, many times, the solution to most pressing of our problems is not difficult or costly to implement. Most of the times, it is so easily available that we tend to neglect it. A fifteen minutes music practice, when done consistently can result in long term benefits. As we are providing this experience to larger number of companies, we see increasing awareness and willingness to practice and learn music.
Do get in touch with me if you would like to organise one such session at your workplace.
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