I will do a job that pays me for doing lots of work Vs. I will do a job that pays me for unique ideas which I come up with.
I will do a job that pays me a lot of money Vs. I will do a job that makes me feel satisfied.
I will do a job that requires me to do same things, again and again at a cheaper price Vs. I will do a job that forces me to go out of my comfort zone every day.
I will do a job that punishes me for failures Vs. I will do a job where number of failures is counted as my productivity index.
I will do a job makes me follow hierarchy Vs. I will do a job where everyone is an equal contributor.
I will do a job which puts me constantly under pressure Vs. I will do a job where I have space to create art.
Ultimately, it’s your life and your choice!
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