The color is Love….

What is my color?

I am Sitting in this world of colors….

Where, my life is just a painting….

and painters are these colors…

I am sitting in a passage…

might be made of the glass…..

Someone throws the colors…

.and paints my painting….

If he throws the red, its all red…if white, it is white…..

I kill my people, cheat my people and also,

I die for these so called my people…. Reason is colors….

Then I cry….. the colors change…so do I …

Then, who am I? Whats my color?

Then I go deep….. I find layers of colors…

which were thought as ‘mine’ , one day by me…

Dead colors…for which I killed and cheated….living ones…

Deep down , when all layers are gone, I search for my color…..

To my surprise, there I find a color..sitting silently…

The color is, Love……







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