Nothing good, nothing bad

A few days ago, got a chance to read a wonderful book written by the master Osho. The book had in it one very wonderful statement- “In life, there are no good decisions and bad decisions. There are only wise decisions and fool decisions.”

I was shocked by this out of earth understanding. Yes, in life, in reality, there is nothing good and at the same time there is nothing bad. All the decisions that we take are either wise or they are foolish.

At first sight, this seems to be quite senseless. But when contemplated upon, we can easily see that the good and bad do not exist. In this flow of life, your decisions are either wise or they are fool. Other than this, they carry no quality.

The good and bad are designed out by man. The definitions of good and bad differ along with the time, they are very fragile and momentary definitions. What ever we do, is either wise or it is foolish!





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