Lady Gaga, in her concert in India had said that she reads books by Osho and also she likes the concept of Rebel put up by Osho. Lady Gaga also said that her journey has been that of a rebel. I am not right person to tell if Lady Gaga really had a rebellious journey or not; but if someone asks me about Indian musician, who was genius and also, who was a rebel, the name which will come to my mind is Pt. Kumar Gandharva.
Among all the famous musicians of India, certainly, Pt. Kumar Gandharva had a different fabric. One realizes this fact every time he listens to Pt. Kumar Gandharva. According to me, he was a real rebel. Pt. Kumar Gandharva , with his talent beyond all the limits, challenged, modified and renewed many conventions. Pt. Kumar Gandharva was certainly not a blind singer. He was a genius with highest level of awareness. He developed his own style to suit his voice, his musical thought. Pt. Kumar Gandharva can be said to be a ocean in himself.
I am not fortunate enough to see him performing. But yes, we have many of his concert recordings. Each of them is a masterpiece. One more thing which I like about Pt. Kumar Gandharva is that his music is for patient listeners. If you are not patient, you cannot listen to him. But for patient, aware listeners, his music is like ocean of insights, beauty and eternity.
I am also touched by the simplicity of Pt. Kumar Gandharva. He is an artist without most common attitude problems which artists have. Among all the famous musicians of India, certainly, Pt. Kumar Gandharva has created a unique place which is very distinct from other artists.
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